Comox Valley Regional District
The Comox Valley Regional District encompasses the Electoral District Areas A, B, and C. The geography of the CVRD ranges from rural agricultural, meandering coastline to rugged mountains and valleys. The CVRD was established in February 2008 when the existing Comox Strathcona Regional District, established August of 1965 making it the oldest regional district in BC at the time, was split into two.
Business Information
Statistics – These statistics are designed to give you a general overview of the Comox Valley Regional District.
Business Licence Information – To operate within the City of Courtenay, Town of Comox, and Village of Cumberland you will require a business licence.
However, for CVRD areas A, B, and C you will not need a business licence to operate a business.
One-Stop Business Registry – The One-Stop business registry system allows you to do multiple registrations for your business all in one place.
Zoning Bylaws – The Comox Valley Regional District zoning bylaws contain provisions that regulate the use, size, height, density and location of buildings on properties within the Regional District.
Zoning Map – The zoning Map for the Comox Valley Regional District outlines the type of usage each parcel of land is regulated to be used for.
Official Community Plan – The Official Community Plan provides a policy framework for the local government by addressing important issues such as housing, transportation, economic development and the environment.
For more information on the Comox Valley Regional District please contact:
Comox Valley Regional District
600 Comox Road
Courtenay, BC V9N 3P6
Phone: 1-250-334-6000
Fax: 1-250-334-4358